Form a lifelong bond and learn to communicate with your dog in a way that’s more simple than you could imagine.
Dog Training in Surrey
Gain the knowledge to confidently work with your dog, not against it.
We know how confusing it can be to try to find the “right way” to train your dog, and with all of the information and opinions out there it can feel like a bit of a maze. We believe there is no single way to train every dog and that different dogs need different approaches. Let us help you find the right approach for your dog and give you the confidence to solve any problems life throws at you.

Dog Training
At LTPK9 we don’t subscribe to the idea that there are any ‘secret tricks and tips’ or any ‘hidden methods’ to dog training. It’s common sense, just maybe not as we know it. Understanding how dogs think and perceive the world around them can be tricky but we can help make sense of that. Dogs and People think differently, so let’s not complicate things for our dogs by expecting them to understand us. Let’s communicate with them in a way they understand. We use ethical, balanced training methods proven by decades of scientific research, behavioural studies and more importantly, experience, to clearly communicate what we want from our dogs and to understand why they behave in the way that they do, so that we can help you get the best from them.
Where do we cover?
We proudly serve Surrey and South West London as well as some of the wider home counties including Kent and Sussex.
On request we may also facilitate bespoke sessions anywhere along the A1/M1 passageway all the way between London and Durham with sessions held in Cleveland and Durham County periodically throughout the year.
If you’re unsure if we cover your area regularly or will come out on consultation, click below for more information or get in touch by email, phone or via the website contact form.

Additional Services
Our 1-2-1 sessions dont just cover behavioural moderation or obedience training. We also offer a variety of other services that can be included within the cost of our standard 1-2-1 sessions or home visits at little-to-no-extra cost.
Click below to find out more or contact us to speak with us directly.
Still not sure?
Don’t just take our word for it, see what our clients have said

Are you interested in working together?
Call us for a free telephone consultation.