Dog Training in Surrey

Dog Training

No gimmicks. No excuses. No secrets. Just honest, straight talking dog training backed up by science and experience.

Dog recall and trick
Dog Training in Surrey

Build a relationship with your dog that you never thought possible

Relationships are hard earned and easily lost or damaged. We know this all too well. We want to help you build a solid relationship with your dogs based on trust and respect. We want to help you train for the best dog you can have and build bomb-proof trust between the two of you.

Do you find yourself hiding your dog away from the public because of the way they behave? Do you confine your walks to before and after sunset out of fear someone might judge you because of how your dog reacts when they see another dog? We want to help change that. We want to give you the confidence to handle any problems life with a dog throws at you and to face the world with your dog by your side.

We don’t just want to train your dog. We want to help you become a better owner and handler – to grow together as a team.

Increase your confidence and ability

Have the confidence to guide your dog through life and the ability to overcome problems together.

Form a strong loving bond with your dog

Take your relationship beyond being just the person your dog goes to for food. Become the person your dog looks to for guidance, enjoyment and mental enrichment.

Enjoy the time you spend together

Having a dog shouldn’t be stressful, but we know it can be. Spend more time enjoying the years you have with your dog, rather than avoiding life’s pleasures because of a behaviour issue that can be fixed with the right guidance.

Local 1-2-1 Session

60 Minutes


Based within the footprint of Epsom Downs, training sessions are tailored to fit you and the needs of your dog. We don’t charge extra for Behavioural Modification services compared to Training as we find there is often a bit of an overlap between the two – The time is yours to use as you wish. If you want to train your dog to walk on the lead without pulling, we’ll do just that. If you want to deal with reactivity, we deal with the reactivity. If you want to brush up on your competition work, lets get that fancy foot-work dialled in!

Block Booking Offer

5x 60 Minutes

10% Discount

We know dog training can be quite an investment and sometimes certain issues require a bit more work than others.
Often however, our clients quickly realise that a lot of what they thought to be true about dogs is vastly out-dated and find themselves with a desire to learn more about their four legged friends. For pre-paid bookings of 5 sessions, we offer a 10% discount on both Standard training sessions in the Epsom area and Home visits


60 Minute 1-2-1 Home Visit



1-2-1 training in your own home or at your favourite local spot, focussed on your needs with your dog’s development at the heart of it all.

Often the issues that appear the biggest outside the house are actually underpinned by a number of smaller issues occurring in the home. When these problems are addressed, we regularly find that the “bigger” issues like reactivity and aggression are easier managed and resolved.


Bespoke Group Session

60 Minutes


Do you and a friend want to train your dogs together? Let us know. We can arrange bespoke sessions for up to three dogs and handlers.

In Home Behavioural Consultation and Assessment

180 Minutes/3 Hours



We recommend this for anyone coming to us for the first time; be that with a new puppy, a rescue or any dog with multiple issues (including severe reactivity and aggression)  to get their foot in the door with training and establish a strong start going forward.

Following an in-depth free telephone consultation, during this session we will:

– Discuss with you in depth the problems you are facing with your dog and any concerns you may have about their behaviour.

– Establish the cause and effect of those problems via a full behavioural diagnostic.

– Provide direction on how to begin dealing with your dog’s issues and assist you in learning the skills needed to make a head start without the need for weekly training sessions.

– Work directly with your dog as we would in any 1-2-1.

– Make recommendations for onward training and provide  advice on how to proceed with your training week by week between sessions as well as a bespoke, dynamic training plan if onward training is necessary

A full behavioural report is available on request priced at £75 for cases involving, but not limited to: aggression, severe resource guarding and severe reactivity.



Online Sessions & Tuition

60 Minutes (Online)/120 Minutes (Tuition)


Online sessions are perfectly suited to those who want to learn more of the theory behind dog training from the comfort of their home, anyone preparing to take a new dog into the home or for anyone living further afield or where travel is an issue.

Sessions are conducted over zoom with demonstrations provided by our two dogs giving you the perfect opportunity to take notes and really delve into why dogs act the way they do.

With the increase in online courses offering a basic input into dog training we are finding more and more people entering the field only to realise that the 2 day course they attended with the IMDT hasn’t quite prepared them for the vast spectrum of problems they will face as a brand new dog trainer or that the “textbook” simply does not have the answer to their problem when high-value treats and squeaky voices aren’t fixing aggression.

 As such we are now offering full, in depth tuition at our home in Epsom, guided by you and your needs/interests to help you gain as much knowledge as possible from our expert team. 




Do you have any burning questions you desperately need answering? Check out the latest and fully up to date FAQ – there’s a very good chance someone else has asked the same thing!

How long will it take?

Truthfully, there is rarely a ‘quick fix’. Nobody should be claiming to be able to wave a magic wand and fix your dog-problem. Often the solution is actually quite a simple one but the time commitment really comes from you applying what you learn from us, consistently every day, when we’re not around. We certainly don’t unnecessarily advise that everyone visits us 4 times a month, but we do advise that you commit 100% to your intention to help your dog. Just like our motto says: Faciam Propter Canem – Do it for your dog. We will however try to give you a pragmatic ball park figure, where, if you work consistently, you should see some degree of change or improvement. 

Do you do group classes?

The straight answer is no however, we can accommodate up to three dogs/two handlers in bespoke classes but we do require that the dogs are adequately socialised (i.e. not overly friendly with other dogs to the point of being unable to focus) and the handlers are familiar with each other – i.e. friends or family members who both have dogs and wish to learn together. These are managed on request and not a standard offering. Please contact us to discuss.

The reason we do not do group classes is because, much like people, each dog has its own personality and differences in learning style. We cannot claim to cater for 10 dogs at a time and still be able to fairly offer you the support, guidance and advice that you are paying for. Nobody really can without forcing the dog to fit a mould that doesn’t best suit it.

Do you offer socialisation groups?

No. Socialisation as we commonly understand it is vastly misconstrued. What it means to us and what it means to the dog are two different things. As a society we want to enable everything – if somebody wants to do something, we allow it, because saying no is considered ‘mean’. Socialisation done properly is actually teaching the dog to be comfortable around everything it may come across – dogs, people, cars, bikes, critters, loud noises – and remain calm. What it isn’t is allowing a dog to freely run up to, engage with and force itself upon another dog or person. This only serves to teach the dog that it is allowed to do these things in every situation. This is often the cause of barrier reactivity and can result in some quite nasty dog-fights.

If socialisation done right is something you’d like to discuss, or if this has just sparked a lightbulb moment for you, get in touch. We regularly run sessions focussed solely on socialisation and environmental conditioning for our clients. 


Do you work with aggressive dogs/rescues/specific breeds?

We will work with every breed that comes to us. To date we’ve had Pomeranians, Autism Support Labradors, over excitable German Shepherds, a Malinois facing euthanasia, an unknown breed with an extensive bite history, the most wildly reactive rare French Bulldog, a Doberman in competitive obedience and everything in between. We wont shy away from aggression cases – in fact we often find there is an element of concern about ‘aggression’ with the majority of people who come to us. We also take on rescues regardless of origin or back story. We have never turned a dog away.

We do reserve the right to withhold service from any restricted breeds within the United Kingdom unless the legal conditions of their ownership are met and maintained.

Do you train Emotional/Welfare Support Dogs?

Yes. We train Emotional Support/Welfare Assistance/Public Access/School Access Dogs (sometimes called Pat Dogs) in conjunction with a commercial training provider who provide all of the training materials along with additional support and authorise us to assess and verify dogs and their handlers on their behalf. If this is something you would like to know more about, please contact us.

German shepherd

Are you interested in working together?

Call us for a free telephone consultation.